Oct 20, 2016 — Local races heat up – it’s OurCity vs Real-estate/tech; Mayor Lee trying to buy (another) Supe seat; SF ballot props
Haven’t voted yet? Download The SF Bay Guardian’s Clean Slate. Print this and bring it with you to the polling place.
Need to register to vote? Mon, Oct 24 is the last day to register to vote. Do it online.
The “Three Moms” Supe candidates are under attack by huge Real-estate/tech money

The “Three Moms” – Sandra Fewer D1, Hillary Ronen D9, Kim Alvarenga D11.
The “Three Moms” running for District Supervisor – Sandra Fewer D1, Hillary Ronen D9, Kim Alvarenga D11. Their support comes from neighbors and friends, not from corporate interests. They are committed to working hard for District residents and not for those who think San Francisco is For Sale.
Below are the Ed Lee / Real-estate / Tech mogul candidates running for District Supervisor: Marjan Philhour D1, Josh Arce D9, and Ahsha Safai D11 (shown with Mayor Ed Lee). All think San Francisco is For Sale.

The Ed Lee/Real-estate / Tech mogul candidates: Marjan Philhour D1, Josh Arce D9, and Ahsha Safai D11 shown with Mayor Ed Lee.
Each currently has about $400K backing from Real-estate/tech interests: Ron Conway, Airbnb, Salesforce, and every tech giant in the area. This backing could increase dramatically for each candidate by Election day. This is three times the funding that the “Three Moms” each have.
For news stories on the huge real-estate/tech cash infusion into SF 2016 ballot candidates and measures see the Oct 14 stories at In The News.
The bottom line: Ed Lee and his backers want to buy at least one Supervisor seat. Are they doing this because they care about the people who live in Districts 1, 9, and 11? Heck no. They want to shift the balance on the Board of Supervisors to non-progressive and push through legislation that benefits real estate, Airbnb and other tech and “Company Town” interests. Unfortunately, this will be at the expense of residents of Districts 1, 9, and 11 who want a Supervisor who will look after local needs. The loss of the progressive majority on the BoS will also affect all San Franciscans, especially renters who fear losing their homes to real estate speculation and getting priced out by an influx of the wealthy.
Do you remember the last time Ed Lee and his backers tried to buy the election for a District Supervisor?

Ed Lee and Julie Christensen, his appointed D3 Supervisor who lost her bid for a full term to Aaron Peskin. Photo from Election day 2015.
Right, Julie Christensen who was District 3 Supervisor for 11 months and voted in the BoS as directed by Mayor Ed Lee and his backers. There was one occasion at a BoS meeting where she said she had decided earlier to vote Yes (on a progressive measure) before she decided to vote No. Expect the same if one of the Mayor’s chosen Supervisor candidates is elected.
Christensen and Ed Lee lost to Aaron Peskin in 2015. All the money showered on Christensen and Lee couldn’t overcome the power of District 3 residents and their friends walking the precincts and phoning voters. Gotta do that again this election.
Bernie Sanders at a 1000-person rally for a grassroots 2016 candidate: “Look around you here today. This is what we have. They have billionaires. We have the people. And when we stand together, people will win.”
What you can do
Support the ‘Three Moms” even if you do not live in their Districts. There are lots of opportunities to walk or phone for them — Check the Calendar. You can also donate to their campaigns:
Sandra Fewer D1 Website Donate
Hillary Ronen D9 Website Donate
Kim Alvarenga D11 Website Donate
During the next three weeks we have to work as hard as we can to keep the progressive majority on the BoS. Please join me and others, visit Districts 1, 9, and 11 (each with their own sort of San Francisco charm) and campaign for the “Three Moms.”
Haven’t voted yet? Download The SF Bay Guardian’s Clean Slate. Print this and bring it with you to the polling place.
What is ReCoTown? This blog recently wrote about “Moderates” and several readers pointed out they are anything but moderate. They are real estate, tech and corporate interests whose first priority is making money off of San Francisco real estate, and making sure the city will continue to house their high-paid workers while pushing out regular folks who have lived here for decades if not their whole lives. The word ReCoTown (Real-estate/Company-town folks) comes from Real-estate and “Company Town,” the title of a new documentary about a divided San Francisco in the 2015 election.
Since last week things have heated up in SF elections for Supervisors, State Senate, and ballot measures. Check out the numerous election news items.
San Francisco Ballot measures
Confused by all the letters of the alphabet for measures that will take hours to understand? Vote the Easy Way – Vote No on P O U R Q – no pork! Vote Yes on all other measures.
Vote Yes on Props D, H, L and M — Better government measures
The well-researched Pissed-Off Voters Guide for the Nov 8 election appropriately renames the ballot measures and recommends:
Prop D: Let’s Elect Our Elected Officials – Yes (ends mayor’s executive branch appointment of legislative branch BoS member)
Prop H: Create a Public Advocate – Yes
Prop L: Shift 3 of 7 MTA Board Appointments from Mayor to the BoS – Yes
Prop M: Create Oversight Commission & Kill Realtor Props P & U – Yes (Prop P: Snarl Affordable Housing in Red Tape; Prop U: Developer $ Grab from Affordable Housing)
The City has been bought by developer, real-estate, and other wealthy interests. To stem the flow of sold-off influence, measures D, H, L and M have been put before the voters on the November ballot. Tempering the City’s give-away to wealthy interests and returning more control to residents’ interests can be accomplished by voting Yes on Props D, H, L and M.
Of course the Chronicle, the voice of wealthy interests and itself owned by the Hearst Corporation, a huge SF real-estate developer, recently posted: The Chronicle recommends: Vote No on S.F. Propositions D, H, L and M
Contrast this with the San Francisco Democratic Party’s Official Nov 2016 Ballot Endorsements which recommend Yes on D, H, L and M.
More at SF ballot measures.
Important dates
Fri, Oct 7 Absentee ballots mailed to voters
Tues, Oct 11 Early voting begins, City Hall rm 48. M-F 8–5, Sa-Su 10–4.
Mon, Oct 24 Last day to register to vote. Do it online.
Tues, Nov 8 Election Day